While driving a large number of piles in loose sand :« Back to Previous Page
A. It is advantageous to follow a sequence of pile driving such that the inner piles are driven first and then proceed outwards
B. It is advantageous to follow a sequence of pile driving such that the piles near the periphery are driven first and inner piles are driven later
C. It is advantageous to follow a sequence of pile driving such that alternately inner and outer piles are driven
D. Driving of piles can be done in any random order
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A. It is advantageous to follow a sequence of pile driving such that the inner piles are driven first and then proceed outwards |
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A. It is advantageous to follow a sequence of pile driving such that the inner piles are driven first and then proceed outwards |
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A. It is advantageous to follow a sequence of pile driving such that the inner piles are driven first and then proceed outwards |
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