concrete construction
Posted in Articles Construction Information Editorial Expert Lecture Recent Construction News

Emerging Materials and methods in Emerging Materials and methods in Concrete Construction

ICI is organizing a conference on Innovation in concrete Construction (ICC-2017). The event will be on 29th April and is planned to be held in…

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autocad webnar.
Posted in Articles Construction Information Editorial Expert Lecture India Softwares

Connect to the future: BIM for Construction – Autodesk AutoCAD

BIM for Construction 26th April 2017 (Wednesday)   |   03:00 PM – 04:00 PM (IST) Connect to the future: BIM for Construction Advances in technology are…

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Build house with Chocolate
Posted in Articles concrete Editorial

Chocolate being studied as a building material

I am making my own house by Chocolate : Do You! Two Princeton University researchers are studying the use of a compound chocolate as a…

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Posted in 1000 Questions Building Materials

What are the function of mortar ?

Ques: What are the function of mortar ? Answer: It binds together stones or bricks to take up loads and to give required strength to…

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Posted in 1000 Questions Building Materials

Why the initial and final setting times are required to be determined?

Ques: Why the initial and final setting times are required to be determined? Answer: Initial setting time is determined to have a sufficient time for…

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Posted in 1000 Questions Building Materials

What is mortar?

Ques:What is mortar? Answer:Mortar is a workable paste obtained by mixing a binding material with fine aggregate (sand ,surkhi, or cinder etc.) and water in…

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Posted in 1000 Questions Building Materials

Which are the various types of mortars used?

Ques: Which are the various types of mortars used? Answer: Lime mortar, Cement mortar and Gauged mortar.

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What do you understand by Gauged mortar?

Ques: What do you understand by Gauged mortar? Answer: The mortar prepared by using cement ,sand and lime are called Gauge mortar.

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Posted in 1000 Questions Building Materials

What are the good characteristics of sand ?

Ques: What are the good characteristics of sand ? Answer: It should clean , sharp and rectangular grains . It should be free from dust…

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Posted in 1000 Questions Building Materials

How will you perform consistency test for cement?

Ques : How will you perform consistency test for cement? Answer:This test is done to know the quantity of water to be  added  for testing …

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