Posted in 1000 Questions Building Materials

What types of kilns are used for burning of bricks?

Ques:What types of kilns are used for burning of bricks? Answer: There are two types of kilns i.e continuous kilns and intermittant kilns.

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Posted in 1000 Questions Building Materials

What is a Hoffman kiln and how it works?

Ques:What is a Hoffman kiln and how it works? Answer : It is generally circular in shape but may also be rectangular . It has…

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different types of concrete vault
Posted in Articles concrete

Concrete Shell : Types and Forms – Folded Barrel Shell Arches

THIN SHELL CONCRETE STRUCTURE– TYPES & FORMS Special Forms for Concrete Shells A thin shell concrete structure, is a structure composed of a relatively thin shell…

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Posted in Articles concrete

Blast Resistance and Progressive Collapse in RCC Structures

The study of blast effects on structures has been an area of formal technical investigation for over 60 years. There are numerous texts, guides and…

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Posted in Foundation

Remedies for failure in Pile Foundation

FAILURE OF PILE FOUNDATION & REMEDIES Pile foundation is widely used deep foundation for complex geologic conditions with kinds of load conditions, especially for soft…

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Posted in Articles Practical Measures

Responsibility and Safety Management for Safety Engineer

SAFETY MANAGEMENT AT CONSTRUCTION SITE SAFETY MANAGEMENT IN CONSTRUCTION Good house keeping should be maintained at all situations. Safety hemlets, shoes, belts should be given…

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Posted in 1000 Questions Building Materials

Explain briefly the construction and working of bull’s Trench kiln?

question:Explain briefly the construction and working of bull’s Trench kiln? Answer: It is a continuous kiln generally oval in plan.It is 50 to 100 m….

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burning bricks_civilengineering
Posted in 1000 Questions Building Materials

What methods are used for burning of bricks?

Ques:What methods are used for burning of bricks? answer:There are two method of burning i.e.; clamp or pozawah or open burning and kiln burning.

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good earth for bricks_civilengineering
Posted in 1000 Questions Building Materials

What are the projection of good earth to be used for manufacturing of bricks?

Ques: What are the projection of good earth to be used for manufacturing of bricks? Answer:A good earth should be free from all the harmful…

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Good Bricks_civilengineer
Posted in 1000 Questions Building Materials

What Should be the composition of good Bricks ?

Ques : What Should be the composition of good Bricks ? Ans : A good Brick should contain Clay , Alumina between 20 to 30…

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