The first time ever India-wide elections for ASCE India Section have been successfully conducted in the month of May 2013 for Section and the regions. The untiring efforts of Dr. Himansu Banerjee, International Governor, Region 10 and Mrs. Meggan Maughan-Brown, Director, International Relations, ASCE are deeply applauded in this regard. The following are the office bearers for the period 2013-2014:
ASCE-India Section
President – Prof. G.L. Sivakumar Babu
Secretary – Dr. Sireesh Saride
Treasurer – Dr. Anbazhagan Panjamani
ASCE-IS-Eastern Region
President – Mr. Sandip Deb
Secretary – Mr. Srirup Mitra
Treasurer – Prof. Rudraprasad Bhattacharyya
ASCE -IS-Northern Region
President – Mr. Satish Vij
Secretary – Mr. Arif Siddiqui
Treasurer – Mr. N T Rao
ASCE-IS-Southern Region
President – Prof. B.K. Raghuprasad
Secretary – Mr. K.P. Pradeep
Treasurer – Mr. Anchuri Srinivas
ASCE -IS-Western Region
President – Mr. Arvind Shah
Secretary – Prof. Ravi Sinha
Treasurer – Mr. Ravindra Ringshia