Expert Lecture on “Risk and Reliability Analysis in Civil Engineering” by Prof. G.L. Sivakumar Babu, at NITK, Surthkal on June 14th, 2013
Prof. Katta Venkataramana, Head of the Civil Engineering Depart¬ment, NITK along with Prof. R.Shivashankar warmly welcomed Prof. G.L.Sivakumar Babu forthe expert lecture. Faculty members, Students and Research Scholars of the Department were present during the lecture. Prof. Babu explained the vision of ASCE and addressed the gathering by highlighting the role of civil engineers in building modern world and opportunity & challenges for the young civil engineering graduates. His lecture on “Risk and Reli¬ability Analysis in Civil Engineering” seeded new research thinking among the students and research scholars of the Department.
In the same time, representatives NITK-ASCE Student Group con-cisely explained their strength and activities to Prof. Babu. The group consists of more than 100 student members, among them nearly 50 are ASCE Student members, and are working actively under the faculty advisor Dr. Suresha S. N., MASCE. The group is due for recognition as International Student Group by April, 2014.