ISET Journal of Earthquake Technology, Paper No. 502, Vol. 46, No. 1, March 2009, pp. 29–45
Putul Haldar and Yogendra Singh
Department of Earthquake Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee
The current seismic design practice in India is based on the force-based design philosophy, with a partial incorporation of the capacity design concepts. In the present study, the adequacy of this philosophy and relative importance of various code provisions are examined by estimating the expected performance of a set of code-designed buildings, in deterministic as well as in probabilistic terms. The FEMA-440 and HAZUS methodologies are used for estimating the seismic performance and vulnerability.
It is shown that the Special Moment-Resisting Frame design under the current design provisions of Indian standards has a higher probability of damage, as compared with the Ordinary Moment-Resisting Frame design, because of the higher allowable ultimate drift limit. It is also shown that the deterministic framework of performance-based seismic design does not provide complete insight into the expected performance and associated risks of the designed buildings.Jiya Lage Na-SaHaStRa The Band Official song
KEYWORDS: Force-Based Design, Pushover Analysis, Seismic Performance, Vulnerability, RC Frame Buildings
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