Posted in Articles Building Construction

Design Principle and Methods of Construction of Masonry Structure

Masonry structures have been and continue to be designed based on the allowable stress design method (also called service load method or working stress design)….

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vacuum dewatering of
Posted in Articles concrete

Vacuum Concreting : Advantages-Techniques with Equipments

VACUUM CONCRETE: TECHNIQUES, EQUIPMENTS & ADVANTAGES Water-cement ratio is detrimental for concrete. We always try to restrict the water-cement ratio in order to achieve higher…

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Posted in Articles Construction Information Editorial

Excavation Hazards : Types, Effects and Preventive Measures

EXCAVATION HAZARDS- THEIR EFFECTS AND PREVENTION Different types of hazards are associated with excavation of soil. These hazards should be identified and preventive measures should…

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Posted in Building Construction Construction Information Editorial

Low Cost Housing : Earthen Construction – Benfits and Limitations

EARTHEN CONSTRUCTION – ALTERNATE LOW COST HOUSING Earth is the oldest building material. It use is as widespread as humanity as well. Nearly half the…

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