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The Kingdom Tower : 1000 metres tallest Tower in Saudi Arabia

Details on The Kingdom Tower

Location: Jeddah, Saudia Arabia

Height: Expected to be over 1000 metres

Developer: Kingdom Holding Company

Estimated date of completion: 2019

The Kingdom Tower, developed by Saudi billionaire Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal’s Kingdom Holding Company, is set to come up in the city of Jeddah.

It is anticipated to become the tallest tower in the world upon its expected completion date in 2019. The exact height is unknown but it’s expected to be over 1000 meters tall and is estimated to cost $1.23 billion to build, less than Burj Khalifa’s $1.5 billion cost.

Additionally, its foundations will be 60 meters deep to withstand the saltwater from the nearby ocean and strong winds while supporting the building’s Herculean structure.

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